
  • Bypassing OTP on password reset

    Hey Hackers, in today’s article i will write about how i bypassed OTP on a password reset page :D. P.S i am excited because this was my first OTP bypass.

  • Using GraphQL Maliciously

    Hey Hackers, Today’s article will be about GraphQL Lab by tryhackme. Before we get started with the writeup, let’s just get to know what is GraphQL and how we can exploit it :D What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language that allows to access data from the database via...

  • How I Hacked A Billion Dollar Company

    Hi Hackers, Today article is about how i hacked into a Billion dollar company i.e. SSRF via xmlrpc.php. I always wanted to find an SSRF in a website who knew i would find it during my pentest. I wouldn’t disclose the company name so lets just call it redacted (Ofcourse...